DoS provides an audio accompaniment, Une alchimie meilleure et plus certaine, to four visual poems published in the inaugural edition of the Open Polyversity anthology. More details about OP1 here.
20 May 2017: Drift of Signifieds will take part in Club Sous-Marin at Délirium, 23 rue de la République, 84000 Avignon, France, from 21:00-late, 10€:
Now‘s 2004 track “The Pump Room” has been remixed and re-imagined 49 different ways, including one by Drift Of Signifieds – get a free download here.
25 November 2016: Drift of Signifieds Awaits Visitors, a special performance at La Tache d’Encre, 1 rue Tarasque, 84000 Avignon, France, from 21:00-00:00:
An all-new Drift of Signifieds piece recorded on Hallowe’en 2015, “Parpaing & Tonic”, can be heard on the latest in Classwar Karaoke‘s series of crowdfunding albums which aim to support the future release of their début physical CD collection. INVEIGH, the noise by Classwar Karaoke Download the album here.
Zali Krishna provided the sounds; Drift of Signifieds remade and mangled them in software as “Drift of Signifieds meets Zali Krishna Uptown” – and Classwar Karaoke hosted the results as part of their 28th survey.
A not-entirely chance meeting with oMMM in Paris in May 2014 resulted in a remixed re-imagining of a live recording layered with sounds of the metro ligne 11 and the halls of The Louvre. The results can be heard on Classwar Karaoke‘s 26th Survey.